A focus on the Cabernet Sauvignon grape

Cabernet Sauvignon is synonymous with bold, red wines. Originating in France, it is the main component of many Bordeaux blends. Cabernet Sauvignon is also grown widely around the world, including California and Australia. Fruit driven and juicy, it's the perfect wine accompaniment to many different food favourites.

Justo González Morilla | 7th April 2019
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A focus on the Cabernet Sauvignon grape

Grape Profile





History of Cabernet Sauvignon

The word ‘Sauvignon’ is thought to have derived from the French word ‘sauvage’ which translates as ‘wild’ in English. It refers to the grape being a wild Vitis vinifera vine, native to France. The grape has been popular in the Bordeaux region since the 18th century. The first estates that are known to have actively grown the variety include Château Mouton and Château d’Armailhac in Pauillac.

The grape’s origins were only truly discovered in 1996 after DNA testing. It determined that Cabernet Sauvignon was the offspring of Cabernet Franc and Sauvignon Blanc. This had been previously suspected from the similarity of the grapes’ names and that Cabernet Sauvignon shares similar aromas such as the blackcurrant aromas of Cabernet Franc and the herbal notes of Sauvignon blanc.

Primary flavours

Black Cherry

Black cherry







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