Wineries offer unique, interesting wines that can be enjoyed by everyone. Wine lovers will appreciate receiving something different every time they open a wine delivery. Wine tastings are also an excellent way for someone with an interest in wine to discover new and interested varieties that they might not have tried before.
When it comes to wine, the variety is endless. From fruity, fresh white wines to pair with salad, to bold, oaky red wines, paired with a stew, there is a perfect bottle for every special occasion. Whether you are buying for a friend, family member, or significant other, there are a few things to keep in mind when choosing to gift a winery box.
First and foremost, think about the person’s preferences. What kind of wine do they usually drink? The Grape Reserve offer subscription boxes for white wine lovers, red wine drinkers, and those that enjoy both. Once you have a general idea of what the person likes, it is time to start personalising their gift further.

Next, consider the occasion. How often would you like each winery box delivered to the recipient? From a single box delivery as a one-off gift to recurring 3, 6, and 12 monthly deliveries, The Grape Reserve offer something for every celebration. The customisation available is perfect to commemorate a special event, celebrate a new friendship, or congratulate a job well done.
Next, it’s time to think about when you’d like the first box delivered. Would you like it delivered on a specific day, or would you like it to arrive early (perhaps important if the celebration date is on a weekend). The Grape Reserve allow you to choose a specific date of delivery for your winery box, or to get it dispatched and delivered as soon as possible, within 2-3 working days.
Finally, think about what handwritten gift note you’d like included within the first winery box. Add that special personalised touch to your wine gift with a message to your loved one. Don’t worry, it’s complimentary! Choosing the perfect wine as a gift can be a daunting task. With so many different options and preferences to consider, it can be difficult to find the perfect bottle. However, with The Grape Reserve’s gift subscriptions, sending a wine box as a gift is a breeze.